ChatMe Stored Value Agreement

ChatMe Stored Value Agreement also known as (ChatMe Coin Service Agreement)

This Coin Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “this Agreement”) is entered into by you and the operator of the ChatMe platform, Cambodia HuiOne Company Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”); the platform will provide you with services (hereinafter referred to as “Coin Service” or “this Service”) in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the operational rules that may be published from time to time.

In order to better provide services to users, please carefully read and fully understand this Agreement before starting to use this Service. Important content such as clauses that exempt or limit the platform’s liability, dispute resolution methods, and judicial jurisdiction will be highlighted in bold for your attention. Please read them carefully.

If you do not agree to this Agreement, please do not proceed with any further operations (including but not limited to clicking the recharge button or making payments) or use this Service in any form.

The platform prohibits minors from using the Coin Service. The platform kindly reminds that if you are the guardian of a minor, you should bear the guardianship responsibility for the minors under your guardianship. Please enable the youth mode and/or other minor protection tools when the minor uses the relevant products and services of this platform, supervise and guide the minor to use the relevant products and services correctly, and strengthen the restriction and management of online payment methods to jointly create a good environment for the healthy growth of minors.

I. Service Content

1. “Coins” are virtual tools provided by the platform that can only be used for related consumption within the platform. After you purchase “Coins”, you can use them to obtain platform goods or services according to the instructions and guidance on the relevant pages of the platform, including but not limited to live broadcast rewards (users can pay for the performance and other services of anchors by sending virtual gifts to them). For the avoidance of doubt, the Coin Service is a comprehensive network technology and related service provided by the platform to users on a paid basis, and is not a network payment service. “Coins” are not tokens, virtual currencies, or pre-paid vouchers, and have no monetary value or pre-paid value.

2. After purchasing “Coins”, you can only use them for the purposes agreed upon under this Agreement and cannot use them beyond the scope of products/services provided by the Company, nor can they be transferred between different ChatMe accounts.

3. You should purchase “Coins” through the official channels designated by the platform. The platform does not recognize any channels not authorized by the Company. If you purchase “Coins” through unofficial channels, the platform cannot guarantee that such “Coins” can smoothly enter your account, and such behavior may also involve risks such as fraud and money laundering, causing irreparable losses or damages to you, the platform, and related third parties. Therefore, purchases through unofficial channels will be considered violations, and the platform has the right to deduct or clear the “Coins” in your account, restrict all or part of your account functions, or permanently ban your account. You should bear the resulting losses yourself. If your violation of the foregoing provisions causes losses to the platform or other third parties, you shall be responsible for compensation. If you purchase through official stores set up by the platform on third-party platforms, the platform will identify the user of the Coin Service based on the account information you specify for receiving “Coins” and/or the separate agreement between you and the Company (if any).

4. The cost of purchasing “Coins” will be collected by the Company or its designated partners. The platform particularly reminds you that different service providers for purchase channels may charge channel service fees based on their own operating strategies when you pay. This may result in differences in the cost of purchasing the same number of “Coins” through different channels or the number of “Coins” obtained by paying the same amount. The specific amount is subject to the information displayed on the page when you purchase “Coins”. Please confirm the relevant page information and reasonably choose the channel for purchasing “Coins”.

5. If you intend to purchase “Coins” for another account, the platform will distribute the corresponding number of “Coins” to the specified account, and the user of that account can use the Coin Service provided by the platform according to this Agreement. If a dispute arises, you should resolve it through negotiation with the user of that account, and the platform shall not bear any responsibility for this.

II. Rational Consumption

1. The platform advocates rational consumption and spending within your means. Please be sure to purchase and use the Coin Service reasonably based on your own consumption capacity and actual needs to avoid overconsumption.

2. The funds you use to purchase “Coins” should be legally obtained and within your right to use. If you violate this clause, any disputes or conflicts arising therefrom shall be resolved by you and bear the legal consequences. If your actions cause losses to the platform or third parties, you shall fully compensate them. If the platform discovers (including but not limited to actively discovering, receiving third-party complaints, or being notified by competent authorities or judicial organs) that you are suspected of violating the foregoing provisions, the platform has the right to deduct or clear the “Coins” in your account, restrict all or part of your account functions, or permanently ban your account; meanwhile, the platform has the right to retain relevant information and report to the competent authorities or judicial organs.

3. The platform strictly resists inducing, stimulating, and inciting users to irrationally tip and enticing or instigating minors to tip using false identity information. If you find the aforementioned violations, you can report them to the platform through the public channels, and the platform will take measures in accordance with laws and regulations. We look forward to working with you to build a healthy and orderly community ecosystem.

III. Your Rights and Obligations

1. The personal information or data you provide during the use of this Service should be true and accurate, and you should assist and cooperate with the regulatory authorities in their investigations as required by laws and platform requirements.

2. When purchasing “Coins”, you should carefully select and/or enter your account information/account-bound phone number, the number of “Coins” to be purchased, etc. If account errors, “Coins” quantity errors, or other purchase errors occur due to your own input errors, improper operations, insufficient understanding of billing methods, or other factors, and thus cause your loss or expenditure, the platform has the right not to compensate or reimburse you.

3. You should properly manage and use your account and be responsible for all actions and consequences under the account. If the platform cannot provide this Service or errors occur in providing this Service due to the following circumstances, and thus cause your loss, the platform shall not bear legal responsibility unless explicitly required by laws and regulations:

(1) Your account is invalid, lost, stolen, or banned;

(2) The third-party payment institution or bank account bound to your account is frozen, sealed, or otherwise abnormal, or you used an uncertified account or an account not belonging to you;

(3) You disclosed your account password to others or otherwise allowed others to log in and use your account;

(4) Other circumstances of intentional or gross negligence on your part.

4. You should legally and compliantly use this Service and not use it for any illegal, criminal, contrary to public order and good customs, harmful to social morals, or disruptive to the normal operation of the platform, infringing the legitimate rights and interests of third parties. Your use of this Service should not violate any binding documents or other requirements (if any). The platform particularly reminds you not to lend, transfer, or otherwise provide your account to others for use, and to reasonably prevent others from using your account to violate the foregoing provisions to protect your account and property security.

5. The platform legally and compliantly provides refund services for minors’ consumption to protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors and their guardians. You should not use this service for illegal purposes or inappropriately, including but not limited to adults pretending to be minors to fraudulently obtain refunds, inducing minors to consume and then applying for refunds, etc. The aforementioned behaviors will constitute a serious violation of this Agreement, and the platform, upon reasonable confirmation, has the right to refuse refunds and reserves the right to further pursue legal responsibility against you.

6. If you use the exclusive account service opened for you by the platform, you should also agree to and comply with the “Exclusive Account Use Rules” and promise not to use the exclusive account for money laundering or any other illegal activities, nor to accept any illegal requests from others to complete money laundering through your exclusive account. If you violate the foregoing provisions, the platform has the right to take measures such as suspending services and conducting investigations according to anti-money laundering laws and regulations and/or as required by competent authorities or judicial organs, without bearing any losses or damages you suffer as a result.

7. If your use of this Service involves services provided by third parties (such as payment services), in addition to complying with this Agreement, you should also agree to and comply with the agreements and rules of such third parties. In any case, disputes arising from such third parties and their services shall be resolved between you and the third party, and the platform shall not bear any responsibility.

IV. Platform Rights and Obligations

1. The platform has the right to set relevant restrictions and reminders for the “Coin” service from time to time based on legal and regulatory revisions, regulatory requirements, transaction security guarantees, operational strategy updates, market environment changes, etc., including but not limited to limiting the transaction limits and/or transaction frequency for all or part of users, prohibiting specific users from using this Service, or adding transaction verification.

2. To ensure transaction security, the platform also has the right to monitor your use of this Service. For users or accounts reasonably identified as high risk, the platform may take necessary measures to prevent the expansion of risks and protect user property and the platform ecosystem security. Such necessary measures include deducting or clearing the “Coins” in your account, restricting all or part of your account functions, and short-term or permanent banning of your account.

3. When the platform discovers processing errors due to system failures or any other reasons, whether beneficial to the platform or to you, the platform has the right to correct the error. At this time, if the number of “Coins” you actually received is less than the number you should receive, the platform will make up the difference to your account as soon as possible after confirming the processing error; if the number of “Coins” you actually received is more than the number you should receive, the platform has the right to directly deduct the difference from your account without prior notice.

4. The platform has the right to change, interrupt, suspend, or terminate this Service based on specific circumstances such as transaction security, operational planning, national laws and regulations, or regulatory requirements, and the platform shall not bear any responsibility for rights protection or infringement as a result.

V. Disclaimer

1. You understand and agree that this Service is provided based on the current technology and conditions. The platform will make the utmost effort to provide this Service to you and ensure the continuity and security of the service. However, you also acknowledge and accept that the platform cannot always foresee and prevent technical and other risks, including but not limited to service interruptions or anomalies caused by force majeure, network reasons, third-party service defects, etc. If such situations occur, the platform will make the utmost commercial efforts to improve, but is not obligated to bear any legal responsibility to you or any third party.

2. The platform may independently conduct maintenance, system upgrades, and adjustments. If this causes you to be unable to use this Service normally, you agree that the platform is not responsible for any legal liabilities.

3. In any case, the platform shall not be liable for any indirect, punitive, incidental, or penal damages. The platform’s total liability to you, regardless of the reason or method, shall not exceed the fees you paid for using this Service.

VI. Breach of Contract

1. If you violate this Agreement, the platform has the right to take management measures against you or your account based on laws, regulations, relevant agreements, and platform management regulations, depending on the specific circumstances and degree of harm caused by your actions, including but not limited to warnings, deductions or clearance of “Coins” in your account, restriction of all or part of your account functions, and short-term or permanent banning of your account.

2. You understand and acknowledge that if a third party is suspected of using your account to engage in illegal activities or violating the provisions of this Agreement, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of potential victims and other users, maintain the platform’s ecosystem order, and prevent further damage, the platform also has the right to take management measures against your account in accordance with this Agreement and relevant platform rules. You shall not require the platform to bear any legal responsibility for this.

3. If you engage in or are suspected of engaging in illegal or inappropriate behavior outside the platform, giving the platform reasonable grounds to believe that you have violated or will violate this Agreement or other rules related to your use of the platform (such as ChatMe User Service Agreement, Community Self-Discipline Convention, etc.), the platform also has the right to take management measures as stipulated in Clause 1 of this article, and you shall not require the platform to bear any legal responsibility.

VII. Miscellaneous

1. To provide you with better services, or based on legal regulations, regulatory requirements, business development circumstances, etc., the platform will timely amend the contents of this Agreement. The amended content will take effect immediately upon publication. The platform will release the updated version, and you can check the latest version of the agreement terms at any time through the “Coin” purchase page. If you continue to use the Coin Service provided by the platform after the contents of this Agreement are revised, it shall be deemed that you agree to the latest revised contents; otherwise, please immediately stop using this Service.

2. Disputes arising from or related to this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Cambodia. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable due to a conflict with Cambodian laws or a determination by a competent court, these provisions shall be reinterpreted to the extent possible to reflect the original intention of this Agreement, and the other provisions of this Agreement shall remain fully effective.

3. This Agreement is signed in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Any disputes arising from or related to this Agreement shall be resolved through negotiation between you and the platform. If negotiation fails, either party has the right to bring a lawsuit to the competent court in the place where this Agreement is signed.

Last updated