Channel Usage Process

1. Creating a Channel

  • Standard Channel: Log into the ChatMe app, go to the Channels page, and select "Create New Channel." Fill in the required information, such as the channel name, description, and category, and then create it for free.

  • Verified Channel: There are two ways to create a Verified Channel:

    1. Direct Paid Creation: Select the Verified Channel option and pay the corresponding fee.

    2. Upgrade from Standard Channel: In the settings of an existing Standard Channel, select "Upgrade to Verified Channel" and pay the fee.

    3. Free Creation via Verified Group: Verified Groups can create one Verified Channel for free and associate it with the group.

2. Content Publishing and Management

  • Standard Channels: The channel owner can publish text or text-and-image content directly through the client, which is simple and suitable for individuals or small teams.

  • Verified Channels: Content, including articles with links, can be published through the backend. Administrators can assist with content management, user interaction, and data analysis.

3. Group Association and Interaction

  • Verified Channels: Can be linked to Verified Groups, allowing subscribers to easily move from the channel to the group, enhancing user engagement and community interaction.

4. Customer Support Services

  • Customer Support Setup: Verified Channels can set up dedicated customer support to provide immediate assistance and consultation. The welcome message can be customized, giving users a personalized experience when entering the channel.

Last updated